
ACT Prep: Utilizing Mini-Tests for Time Mastery

Chalk Talk #52

Are you utilizing mini-tests to help your students learn time management skills for the ACT?

Mini-tests are small portions of a full-length ACT test and are great tools to have in your ACT test prep arsenal. Not only do mini-tests familiarize students with the types of questions they will face on the ACT, but they also give students the opportunity to practice crucial test-taking skills such as time management.

When preparing for the ACT, students should practice time management until it becomes second nature. The more intuitive their sense of time becomes, the more they will be able to focus on the test and not the clock, and mini-tests greatly help with this. 

In this video below, Craig Gehring, the founder and CEO of MasteryPrep, discusses how you can properly utilize mini-tests to help your students master the clock on the ACT.

Mini-tests help students to:

  • Develop their internal clocks
  • Improve their pace
  • Make smart decisions regarding cherry picking
  • Improve their stamina so they stay focused

Do you have other ways you use mini-tests in your classroom? We would love to hear it! Share your advice in the comments below.

Want to learn about what MasteryPrep can do for your school? 

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These tips are adapted from our Decoding the ACT professional development program.

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