FAQ: Enhanced ACT

In this FAQ, we detail everything we know about the upcoming changes to the ACT. Please note that this information is subject to change as ACT completes its studies and pilots leading up to the launch of the Enhanced ACT. Refer to act.org for official updates. 

Everything You Need To Know About the Enhanced ACT

What are the major changes coming to the ACT?

The Enhanced ACT will feature:

  • Fewer questions.
  • More time per question.
  • Shorter passages.
  • Less overall testing time.
  • An optional Science section.

When will the Enhanced ACT be implemented?

The Enhanced ACT will be available for national test dates starting in April 2025. State and district testing will adopt the new format in the spring of 2026.

How will the timeline for the transition to the Enhanced ACT look?

  • June 2024: Linking Study (complete)
  • October 2024: Dual Mode Study
  • April 2025: Soft Launch National Online
  • September 2025: National Paper and International Launch
  • Spring 2026: State/District Launch

What is a linking study, and why is it important?

A linking study ensures that tests with different formats can be aligned on a common scale. The ACT’s linking study examined the difference in Composite scores when excluding the Science section.

What changes are happening to the test sections in terms of time and questions?

Time Changes by Test Section

  • English: 45 minutes to 35 minutes (-10 minutes)
  • Math: 60 minutes to 50 minutes (-10 minutes)
  • Reading: 35 minutes to 40 minutes (+5 minutes)
  • Science: 35 minutes to 40 minutes (+5 minutes)
  • 5th Test (Field Test): 20 minutes to 0 minutes (-20 minutes)
  • Writing: Unchanged at 40 minutes

Question Changes by Test Section

  • English: 75 questions to 50 questions (-25 questions, -33%)
  • Math: 60 questions to 45 questions (-15 questions, -25%)
  • Reading: 40 questions to 36 questions (-4 questions, -10%)
  • Science: 40 questions (unchanged), becomes optional
  • Writing: 1 prompt (unchanged)

How will the optional Science section impact the ACT?

Students can choose to take the ACT with or without the Science section. The ACT Composite score will be based on the average of English, Math, and Reading scores, regardless of whether the Science section is taken. If taken, the Science score will be reported separately and included in a STEM score based on Math and Science scores.

How will the Enhanced ACT handle field testing?

The fifth test section, used for field testing, will be eliminated. Instead, field test items will be incorporated into each test section and will not be labeled, so students won’t know which questions are field test items. Each section will include a certain number of field test items:

  • English: 10 items (20%)
  • Math: 4 items (9%)
  • Reading: 9 items (25%)
  • Science: 6 items (15%)

Will the Enhanced ACT provide more time per question?

Yes, with fewer questions overall, students will have more time per question. On average, students will have 58 seconds per question on the Enhanced ACT, compared to 49 seconds per question on the current version.

How will ACT Composite scores be calculated in the Enhanced ACT?

The ACT Composite score will be computed by averaging the English, Math, and Reading scale scores and rounding to the nearest whole number. The Science section will not be included in the Composite score but will be part of a separate STEM score.

What changes are happening to the ACT English test?

The English test will be shortened to 50 questions (down from 75) and will last 35 minutes (down from 45 minutes). Students will get more time per question (42 seconds). The passages will be shorter, and one passage will always be an argumentative essay. Additionally, some or all stemless questions will now have stems.

What changes are happening to the ACT Math test?

The Math test will be shortened to 45 questions (down from 60) and will last 50 minutes (down from 60 minutes). Each question will have 4 answer choices instead of 5. There will be fewer word problems, advanced topics, and questions requiring the integration of multiple skills. Field test items will be included without being labeled.

What changes are happening to the ACT Reading test?

The Reading test will have 36 questions (down from 40) and will last 40 minutes (up from 35 minutes), giving students more time per question (67 seconds). Some passages will be shortened, and the Integration of Knowledge and Ideas category will become more prominent. Nine questions will be field test items.

What changes are happening to the ACT Science test?

The Science test will become optional and will last 40 minutes (up from 35 minutes). More questions will require background knowledge, and at least one passage will be related to engineering and design. The test will continue to have 6 passages.

Will the Enhanced ACT be more affordable?

Yes, the core test (without Science and Writing) will cost less than the current ACT. Fee waivers will still be available for students in need.

What aspects of the ACT will remain unchanged?

  • The optional Writing section will remain unchanged.
  • The scoring scale will remain 1 to 36.
  • The ACT College and Career Readiness Standards will remain unchanged.
  • ACT will continue to offer fee waivers.

How reliable is this information about the Enhanced ACT?

This information is based on the latest updates from ACT and is subject to change as ACT completes its studies and pilots. For official updates, refer to act.org.

What are the benefits of the Enhanced ACT for students?

The Enhanced ACT offers several benefits:

  • More time per question, reducing the pressure on students.
  • Shorter overall testing time.
  • Option to omit the Science section, allowing students to focus on their strengths.
  • Streamlined test structure with fewer questions.
  • More affordable pricing options.

How should students prepare for the Enhanced ACT?

Students should:

  • Practice with shorter passages and fewer questions.
  • Focus on time management strategies to take advantage of the increased time per question.
  • Study core subjects (English, Math, Reading) intensively if opting out of the Science section.
  • Familiarize themselves with the new test structure and types of questions through available practice materials.

Will the Enhanced ACT impact college admissions?

The Enhanced ACT is designed to maintain its predictive validity for college admissions. Colleges and universities will continue to accept the ACT scores as a reliable measure of a student’s readiness for college-level work. Students can also use superscores from both the current and enhanced versions of the ACT.

How will the dual mode study affect the Enhanced ACT?

The dual mode study, conducted in October 2024, ensures that both online and paper versions of the Enhanced ACT produce consistent and comparable results. Students who participate in this study will help validate the new format and receive a college reportable score.

What should educators know about the changes to the ACT?

Educators should be aware that:

  • The Enhanced ACT will have a different structure and timing.
  • Preparation materials and teaching strategies may need to be adjusted to align with the new format.
  • Field test items will be embedded in the test and won’t be labeled.
  • The ACT Composite score will no longer include the Science section.

What resources are available for students to prepare for the Enhanced ACT?

Students will be able to access a variety of resources to prepare, including:

  • Official practice tests from ACT.
  • Study guides and prep books tailored to the Enhanced ACT format.
  • Online courses and tutoring services.
  • School-provided resources and counseling.

How will the changes to the ACT affect test day logistics?

On test day, students should be prepared for:

  • A shorter overall testing period.
  • Fewer questions per section, allowing for more focused effort.
  • The option to take the current or enhanced version during the transition period.
  • Different pacing strategies due to the increased time per question.

Will there be any changes to the ACT Writing test?

No, the ACT Writing test will remain unchanged in both format and timing. It will continue to be an optional section that students can choose to add to their test.

How will the Enhanced ACT affect superscoring?

Superscoring will still be available for the Enhanced ACT. Students can combine their best scores from different test dates for English, Math, and Reading to create a higher composite score. The new superscore will include English, Math, and Reading from both the current and enhanced ACT format.

Can students still cancel their ACT scores?

Yes, students will still have the ability to cancel their ACT scores if they are not satisfied with their performance.

How does the Enhanced ACT compare to the SAT?

The Enhanced ACT offers:

  • More time per question compared to the current ACT.
  • Shorter overall test duration.
  • Optional Science section.
  • Linear assessment format, unlike the computer-adaptive Digital SAT.

Will there be any changes to the registration process for the Enhanced ACT?

The registration process for the Enhanced ACT will largely remain the same. However, students should check for updates on act.org to ensure they are aware of any new procedures or deadlines.

How can parents support their children in preparing for the Enhanced ACT?

Parents can:

  • Encourage their children to start preparing early.
  • Provide access to study materials and resources.
  • Help create a study schedule that allows for consistent practice.
  • Support their children in taking practice tests to build familiarity with the new format.

Are there any accommodations available for students with disabilities?

Yes, ACT will continue to provide accommodations for students with disabilities. These include extended time, alternate test formats, and other necessary adjustments. Students should apply for accommodations well in advance of their test date.

How will the Enhanced ACT impact students outside the United States?

The Enhanced ACT will be implemented internationally in September 2025. International students will experience the same benefits and changes as those in the United States, ensuring a consistent testing experience worldwide.

What feedback has ACT received about the changes?

ACT has conducted extensive research and pilot studies to ensure the changes benefit students and maintain test validity. Feedback from these studies has been positive, highlighting the increased time per question and reduced test duration as significant improvements.

About MasteryPrep:

MasteryPrep provides mastery-based college readiness services and resources for the SAT®, ACT®, TSIA2, EOC, and WorkKeys®. MasteryPrep is the nationally preferred SAT and ACT prep provider of the Council for Opportunity in Education and licensed by ACT to include official ACT test questions in its programs. MasteryPrep partners with schools and districts to help level the standardized assessment playing field. MasteryPrep has ranked among the Inc. 5000 “Fastest Growing Companies” for six years and is a featured “Entrepreneur 360” company.


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