Texas-Based Early College High School Improves TSIA2 Passage Rate

Texas-Based Early College High School Improves TSIA2 Passage Rate

“MasteryPrep is More Than Test Prep. It Helps Our Students Realize and Achieve Their Potential.”

There is no greater reward than witnessing students’ trajectories change when they qualify for an opportunity to attend college. And at a school with a high percent of economically disadvantaged and at-risk students, every resource that can be provided is critical to overcome that uphill climb.

“We have a young female with a challenging home life. She’s very smart but lacks confidence. She has failed the TSIA2 for the last three years since eighth grade. This past February, she practiced every day on MasteryPrep resources. She improved 27 points and passed,” said Jeanne Gravitt, Dean of Advanced Studies for La Vega Early College High School. “This student will break a generational cycle within her family. MasteryPrep altered her future. MasteryPrep is more than test prep. It helps our students realize and achieve their potential.”

TSIA2 Passage Rate Jumps 28% Since MasteryPrep Partnership

La Vega ECHS is starting to see the results in its third year of partnering with MasteryPrep. Since investing in MasteryPrep TSIA2 resources, La Vega Early College High School has seen a 28% increase in overall passing scores. In particular, the ELAR percent pass rates are climbing:

  • The Class of 2025 had 88% (of 58) of its students pass the ELAR (English Language Arts Reading) score requirements, compared to 72% for the same class in 2024, and compared to 67% for the same class in 2023.
  • The Class of 2026 had 75% (of 57) of its students pass the ELAR score requirements in 2024, compared to 58% of the same class meeting the ELAR score requirements in 2023.

“More students are passing the TSIA2, and the results have given us real momentum around the MasteryPrep product. We had a senior improve his TSIA2 by 42 points. When we asked him about the improvement, he said the real exam was almost identical to what he had practiced on with MasteryPrep,” said Gravitt. “That’s a game changer to have a resource that prepares our students for what to expect on the test.”

La Vega ECHS invests in TSIA2 Mastery, a comprehensive review of every assessed standard on the TSIA2, including a TEKS alignment for every lesson;  TSIA2 Elements, bell ringers and warm-up exercises; and TSIA2 Boot Camp, a final review by a MasteryPrep-trained instructor.

The Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) is the assessment instrument used to determine college readiness for non-exempt students, as required by the Texas Success Initiative. With HB 3 in effect, helping more students meet the necessary TSI benchmarks is critical for schools to attain a higher Outcomes Bonus and to meet school accountability standards.

In 2015, the Texas Education Agency designated La Vega High School, based in Waco, Texas, as an “Early College High School” with a “school within a school model.” These are innovative high school models that allow cohorts of students least likely to attend college an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and 60 college credit hours before graduation.

La Vega High School has roughly 850 students overall with about 270 students participating in the ECHS. La Vega has a student body of 92% economically disadvantaged and 70% at-risk. Within the ECHS, dual credit is provided at no cost to students; and academic, social support services, and college readiness resources are implemented to reduce barriers to college access.

“I am a proud La Vega High School graduate in a district that removes any barriers students may have to reach their full potential. We invest in our students,” said Gravitt. “Passing the TSIA2 is a requirement, so we needed to invest in the best resource for our students. MasteryPrep is leaps and bounds above anything else on the market when it comes to college and career readiness.”
In addition to ECHS students training with MasteryPrep TSIA2 materials, the overall high school has invested in additional MasteryPrep ACT resources, STAAR TruScore Testing & Analysis for grades 9-12, and The College Playbook, to name a few.

Students Practice Every Day

If you’re a football player, you’re going to practice every day before the big game. Preparing for any standardized test requirement is no different, says Gravitt. “One of the best practices that has led to our score improvements is we made it a point to start implementing test content within the curriculum of our core courses,” she said. “We had MasteryPrep team members come in here and help us with that implementation. That consistent practice is critical.”

In TSIA2 Mastery, with a TEKS and TSIA2 standards alignment for each chapter, teachers can select relevant curriculum that takes their students from struggling to succeeding. Teachers use test content in daily bell ringers or in their lesson plans. “It’s all user-friendly, and teachers can track consistently how students are doing,” Gravitt said. “Our teachers love the product. They fully understand that they are teaching to the test in addition to the curriculum standard content.”

Another best practice is La Vega’s investment in professional development. The ECHS uses a mix of in-house instructors and MasteryPrep instructors to teach students test content. When a MasteryPrep instructor is on campus, a La Vega teacher typically shadows him/her to not only to further learn the content and strategies, but also the most effective ways on how to teach them.

“MasteryPrep instructors are engaging and amazing,” said Gravitt. “When you can come in and build a connection with my students in the first 20 minutes and then hold their attention and deliver test-taking tips, strategies, and teach high-quality content, that’s the whole package.”

Unpaid testimonial. Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. TSIA2 score average and gain data are courtesy of MasteryPrep clients and based on year over year test data for the same cohort. All testimonials are real participants, and may not reflect the typical user’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

MasteryPrep is here to bridge the gap in an e-learning environment by providing 
your students with much needed college readiness preparation.

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  • Download our newly updated TSIA2 catalog

About MasteryPrep:

MasteryPrep provides mastery-based college readiness services and resources for the SAT®, ACT®, TSIA2, EOC, and WorkKeys®. MasteryPrep is the nationally preferred SAT and ACT prep provider of the Council for Opportunity in Education and licensed by ACT to include official ACT test questions in its programs. MasteryPrep partners with schools and districts to help level the standardized assessment playing field. MasteryPrep has ranked among the Inc. 5000 “Fastest Growing Companies” for six years and is a featured “Entrepreneur 360” company.