3 common ACT myths hinder your students’ scores in unnecessary ways.
To many students, the ACT seems like a test shrouded in mystery, but its format is actually very accessible. This accessibility makes preparing for the ACT possible and improving scores even more possible.
Even with this much transparency, a lot of misinformation still circulates around, causing students to believe myths without giving them a proper fact-check.
We think it’s time we put an end to this misguided information.
3 Common ACT Myths:
Myth #1: If you have a good GPA, you don’t need to study for the ACT.
High GPAs do not always correlate with high ACT scores and vice-versa. Students often ace classroom content only to fail when similar content appears on the ACT. This disconnection happens because even though state standards and the ACT both focus on college readiness, there’s a gap between how the ACT assesses these standards, which can challenge students’ expectations of success. Only teachers who are intimately familiar with the ACT’s approach can help their students bridge this gap. The best way to remedy this myth is to expose your students to ACT-style questions so they can practice good test-taking habits.
Myth #2: Questions on the ACT are arranged from easy to difficult.
Questions on the ACT are sporadic in nature. Often, many of the easiest questions are closer to the end of each section, so getting caught up on one question in the beginning of a section could hinder gaining valuable points toward the end. That’s why it’s crucial students learn the correct time management strategies they need to get through each section in its entirety. Click here to learn more about time management and the ACT.
Myth #3: It’s difficult to improve your ACT score.
When students take the ACT for the second time and do not improve their score, or worse, score lower, it may be because they did not study the areas that ate up their points the last time; therefore, they made the same mistakes. With the proper study habits in place, it is more than possible for students to improve their ACT scores the second time around. Here are some reasons why students can achieve a higher score with a retake:
Click here for a break down on why students should take the ACT more than once!
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