
Chalk Talk #53

Have you heard the news? Come September 2020, 3 big, long-awaited changes will go into effect for the ACT!

Despite the controversy surrounding standardized tests and their desire to remain afloat, testing companies are in fierce competition with one another.

While the ACT used to be at the top, it has recently been overtaken by the SAT (in 2018, 2.1 million students took the SAT while 1.9 million took the ACT). But the ACT isn’t backing down any time soon and has come out swinging in 2020 with some major changes that students will love.

Change #1: ACT Section Retesting

Section retesting will allow students to pay to retake a single section of the ACT to improve their score for that section rather than having to retake the entire test.

Students will now be able to focus their test prep efforts on that one section and have a higher stamina while taking the test. Unfortunately, the cost for the retakes haven’t been announced. It is possible that students in a lower financial bracket might not be able to afford the retakes—giving wealthier students an advantage. 

Change #2: Online Testing with Faster Score Turnaround

The world is going digital. For the first time ever, students will be able to take the ACT online during national test days at ACT test centers. Currently, the test is only administered in a paper-and-pencil format on national test days, and it takes around 2 weeks for the results to come out. Those who take the ACT online will receive their results in 2 days which can help with the time frames for college applications and scholarships. 

Change #3: New ACT Superscoring

Superscoring will allow students to combine their best scores on each section from each time they took the ACT rather than only being able to submit their scores from one sitting. 

This enables students to report a higher combined score than the more restrictive, former method. Higher scores mean more college and scholarship opportunities!

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