
I Could Lie or Tell You Reading Is Important

Chalk Talk #59


We often tell students, “Readers are leaders,” but does this really get students to read on their own?

Many students read to escape, to take a mental respite from the stress of everyday life, or simply because they enjoy diving into a good book. But some students just do not find reading enjoyable.

On top of this, social media is not helping with the average American high school student’s attention span. Educators are losing the war of words.

What can we do? Well, no matter how much they may not want to hear it, one of the best pieces of advice we can give students is to READ!

Here are five facts about reading that might finally convince your students to read: 

1. Reading is the #1 way to improve ACT/SAT scores

The ACT and SAT are reading tests. How well you do on them depends on your vocabulary, comprehension, and reading speed. You can improve all three by reading on your own.

2. Reading helps to code-switch

The ACT and SAT are written in Standard Written English. Students who grew up speaking a dialect different than Standard Written English are constantly “code-switching” between the version of English they commonly speak and the one that appears on standardized tests. By reading consistently, you will begin to master the rules of Standard Written English, which will positively impact your ACT/ SAT scores.

3. Reading improves writing

Essays are critical in the college and scholarship application process. There are two ways to improve your writing: read more and write more. “Well-written” books and articles are models that you can learn from and eventually inject your own style into.

4. Reading can help with college readiness

Your college professors will expect you to read hundreds more pages per week than your high school teachers do. Most college freshman struggle academically because this shift hits them like a ton of bricks. The more reading you do now, the better prepared you will be to perform well in college courses.

5. Reading exercises the brain

Your brain is like a muscle: how much you exercise it will determine how well it functions. Reading is a workout for your brain. Just as lifting weights strengthens your muscles, reading improves your memory and mental sharpness. 

Written by college admissions expert Lucas Spielfogel, The College Playbook gives students the perfect play-by-play on how to win at the college admissions process. Your students will benefit from the same down-to-earth advice that has helped students across the nation find the best college for their passion and skills. 

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