
Chalk Talk #62

Having to face the challenge of quickly adapting educational practices due to COVID-19 comes with a myriad of questions and stresses. One of the biggest struggles is finding and implementing digital, distance learning solutions ASAP.

Traditional, face-to-face education will resume at some point, but no one knows when this will be. So, in order to help students continue to make advances in learning, we must ensure that they get the education that they need during this trying time. The reality is that we must adhere and adapt to social distancing and school closures due to COVID-19.  These 8 digital tools (some free and some not) may be exactly what your school needs to make the transition to distance learning run as smoothly as possible and help you to better connect with your students.

8 Distance Learning Tools:

  1. Kajeet

    This tool provides internet access to keep students learning off campus. The Kajeet SmartSpot® is a filtered mobile hotspot device that provides students with a safe, simple wireless connection to the Internet. Kajeet has partnered with five major U.S. carriers to supply the most reliable wireless network connection. Learn more. 

  2. Schoolgy

    Schoolgy is a learning management system (LMS) that has all the tools your institution needs to create engaging content, design lessons, and assess student understanding. It was designed to keep all students—from kindergarten through 12th grade— fully engaged as they learn. Learn more.

  3. DropBox

    Power student learning, faculty research, and staff operations on Dropbox Education’s secure cloud collaboration platform. Learn more. 

  4.  Skype

    Skype is a telecommunications application that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, the Xbox One console, and smartwatches over the Internet. Skype also provides instant messaging services. With Skype Education you can take your students on virtual field trips, invite guest speakers, and foster collaborative projects and more. Learn more. 

  5. Zoom

    Zoom helps universities and schools improve student outcomes with secure video communication services for hybrid classrooms, office work, administrative meetings, and more. Learn more.  

  6. Remind

    Remind is a communication system that allows you to reach students and parents where they are. It provides two-way communication for updates, instruction, and more—at every level in your organization. Learn more. 

  7. Google Classroom

    Classroom helps students and teachers organize assignments, boost collaboration, and foster better communication. Google Classroom is a streamlined, easy-to-use tool that helps teachers manage coursework. Educators can create classes, distribute assignments, grade and send feedback, and see everything in one place. Learn more.

  8. Blackboard

    Blackboard provides different ways for teachers and students to collaborate and connect. Instead of piecing together various tools for communicating and participating in lessons, Blackboard makes them all available in one place. Learn more. 

Have any other digital tools you recommend? We would love to hear about it! Reply to this email or leave a comment in the blog to let us know!

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