Free TruScore SAT Practice Testing and Analysis + Study Hall Demo Account

Want an in-depth look into TruScore SAT Practice Testing & Analysis + Study Hall?

Request your free TruScore + Study Hall demo account today.

The foundation of a data-driven approach to SAT® score improvement starts with TruScore.  

By signing up for a free TruScore + Study Hall demo account, you can see first-hand what students experience when they take our TruScore SAT practice tests online. Not only will you will be able to experience our detailed, actionable SAT reporting suite, but also our game-changing features such as bubble sheet mode and Study Hall (included with a schoolwide license).

Why TruScore + Study Hall?

  • Online, on-demand SAT practice tests
  • Instant results for online testing
  • Over 150 written answer explanations
  • Over 150 answer explanation videos (coming soon)
  • 3 full-length practice tests
  • Expert data review and analysis included
  • See all data at a glance, in any aggregation: district, school, teacher, class, or individual student