Boot Camp for the ACT®

Boost your students' ACT scores in just one day

Our Boot Camp for the ACT® is an engaging workshop delivered by our expert instructors to give your students the final push they need to score college-ready. In just one day, students will learn essential ACT test taking strategies, key content for success, pacing and time management, approaches to effective guessing, and strategies for every question type.

How It Works:

With a Boot Camp for the ACT, you can give your students the final push they need to score college-ready on the ACT with ZERO class interruption.

In just one day, students will learn:

  • Pacing and time management
  • Test-taking and guessing strategies
  • Tips for the most important question types

MasteryPrep’s Boot Camp for the ACT is test prep that fits your schedule—even at the last minute. You provide the space, and we take care of everything else. No hassle, no stress, and no attendance limits. 
*Events held virtually are limited to 100 attendees per session.

Student attending a Boot Camp taking a test

What's Included:

Why Choose Boot Camp for the ACT?

Please note: Boot Camps are ideally taken 4-6 weeks in advance of test date.

MasteryPrep expert Virtual Boot Camp Instructor using powerpoint slides to assist in instruction
ACT® is the registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Some items in MasteryPrep programs are the copyrighted content of ACT, Inc. and are reproduced with permission.

Success Stories:

Boot Camp- Berea College Upward Bound
During the summer, I taught a 6 week camp for high school students. We gave each student a pre- and post- test. The results after using MasteryPrep were AMAZING! Out of 30 students, TWENTY of them improved their ACT scores! Some as much as 7 points! I am sold on the wonders of MasteryPrep.
Kimberly Hamilton, ACT Prep Teacher 
Berea College Upward Bound Math and Science, Berea, KY

*Pre-test and post-test were MasteryPrep practice tests for the ACT. MasteryPrep practice tests closely resemble the ACT and estimate student performance, but do not provide actual ACT scores. Unpaid testimonial. Results vary.

ACT Boot Camp Success: Lee County Schools, North Carolina

Lee County delivered ACT Boot Camps to all of its high school students in classroom-sized groupings in the 2017-18 school year. As a result, its two high schools saw large increases in college readiness benchmark attainment. The school district increased from 48.0% to 57.7% of students achieving proficiency and achieved a district-wide composite score increase of +0.7 points.

*Customer testimonial. Results vary. Correlation does not connote causation.

ACT Boot Camp Success: Pineville High School, Louisiana
Pineville High School delivered ACT Boot Camps to its junior and senior classes for three consecutive years. Each year, the school made significant progress towards its ACT goals. In 2013, Pineville’s ACT score was 20.4. This increased to 20.9 in 2014, to 21 in 2015, and finally to 21.3 in 2016. In 2016, the school was honored with a state ranking of A for the first time in its history.

*Customer testimonial. Results vary. Correlation does not connote causation.

Related Solutions:

Professional Development

A standards-aligned program that provides teachers with strategies for incorporating test-taking skills into their everyday core curriculum.

Practice Testing & Analysis

True simulations of the ACT coupled with actionable insights into student performance. At least three official ACT® practice tests with adaptive prep.


The first and only mastery-based prep curriculum for the ACT. Ready-to-use lesson plans, PowerPoint slides, and workbooks that eliminates prep time.

Online Course

Adaptive learning paths for students across key content areas through engaging microvideos for equitable access to non-negotiable skill-building.

Bell Ringers

Classroom warm-up exercises for a screen of your choice. Students will experience rigorous, daily reinforcement of essential skills tested on the ACT.

Boot Camp

Engaging workshops packed with test taking strategies and tips delivered by our expert instructors to boost student confidence and scores.

Professional Development

Expert training on MasteryPrep and assessments with coaching and observation for your team.

Practice Testing & Analysis

Expert training on MasteryPrep and assessments with coaching and observation for your team.


Ready-to-use lesson plans, PowerPoint slides, and student workbooks to eliminate prep time.

Online Course

Engaging microvideo courses for equitable access to non-negotiable skill-building.

Bell Ringers

Daily warm-up exercises that reinforce the essential skills measured on the assessments.

Boot Camp

Engaging, high impact workshop addressing essential test taking strategies to boost scores in one day.

Customers Reviews

What educators say:

This camp allowed the students to get tips and strategies. Also, the mini-quizzes challenged them to attempt the questions using the strategies shared! The Boot Camp team did a great job making the session fun and relaxing for our students. Glad that they were able to deliver the camp virtually during this pandemic. Students felt more confident at the end of the session!

"The one-day ACT Boot Camp provided our students with a great deal of information that has proven to raise their ACT scores. From a breakdown of the content on the ACT to teaching them little "tricks" for success, our students are able to go into the testing session with more confidence."

The students stated they gained valuable information and insight in learning how to take the ACT. The instructor provided excellent information and seemed to relate well with the students.


See what MasteryPrep can do for you.


Motivation Matters:
Driving Student Engagement in Test Prep Boot Camps


J. Kelly
VP, Instructional Operations