Solutions for the ACT®

A Mastery-Based Approach to Successful Outcomes

Many school districts across the country prioritize the ACT® for their students when it comes to college readiness, and in many cases, the scores from this test are an important contributor to accountability metrics. Administrators, teachers, and students need systematic support through continuous skill-building in non-negotiable areas to produce college-ready scores for all students. Our comprehensive test prep solutions for the ACT are designed to maximize impact.

Common Denominators of ACT Programs Delivered


An exhaustive analysis of over 20,000 official test items and more than 50 million student data points means we cover what matters, and we get results.


Attention-grabbing hooks and activities, careful lesson scaffolding and differentiation, and expert yet relatable instructors keep your students absorbed.


Integrated best practices for instructional design and classroom instruction ensure students achieve mastery of time management, test-taking skills, and essential content.


Our programs leverage blended learning so students can succeed in person, online, or any mix in between.

ACT® is the registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Some items in MasteryPrep programs are the copyrighted content of ACT, Inc. and are reproduced with permission.

Test Prep Programs for the ACT

Professional Development

A standards-aligned program that provides teachers with strategies for incorporating test-taking skills into their everyday core curriculum.

Practice Testing & Analysis

True simulations of the ACT coupled with actionable insights into student performance. At least three official ACT® practice tests with adaptive prep.


The first and only mastery-based prep curriculum for the ACT. Ready-to-use lesson plans, PowerPoint slides, and workbooks that eliminates prep time.

Online Course

Adaptive learning paths for students across key content areas through engaging microvideos for equitable access to non-negotiable skill-building.

Bell Ringers

Classroom warm-up exercises for a screen of your choice. Students will experience rigorous, daily reinforcement of essential skills tested on the ACT.

Boot Camp

Engaging workshops packed with test taking strategies and tips delivered by our expert instructors to boost student confidence and scores.

Professional Development

Expert training on MasteryPrep and assessments with coaching and observation for your team.

Practice Testing & Analysis

Expert training on MasteryPrep and assessments with coaching and observation for your team.


Ready-to-use lesson plans, PowerPoint slides, and student workbooks to eliminate prep time.

Online Course

Engaging microvideo courses for equitable access to non-negotiable skill-building.

Bell Ringers

Daily warm-up exercises that reinforce the essential skills measured on the assessments.

Boot Camp

Engaging, high impact workshop addressing essential test taking strategies to boost scores in one day.
Piedmont has raised its state report card from 83 to 92 becoming one of the top high schools in Alabama for ACT achievement, graduation rates, and CCMR indicators.
Rapides Parish, Louisiana increased thier ACT composite score from 18.2 to 19.5
Metro Nashville Public Schools in Nashville, Tennessee have achieved ACT Composite Scores of 21 or Higher
0 +

Customers Reviews

What educators say:

"We wanted to make test preparation more intentional and customized in our district. By integrating the use of MasteryPrep in every high school and implementing Boot Camps tailored to students’ needs, we saw significant growth in test scores. It’s about giving each student the tools they need to succeed, and MasteryPrep has been instrumental in achieving that goal."
Matt Byrnes
Director of Secondary Education, Rapides Parish School District, Rapides Parish, LA
"When the state mandated the ACT for all juniors in Alabama, it became imperative to find the
most effective test prep program. With such
a significant portion of our state report card
tied to ACT performance, it became clear that a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t suffice. We discovered that a program with actual workbooks, coupled with actionable data from assessments, revolutionized our approach. We could monitor student progress, adjust instructional practices, and tailor support where needed."
Dr. Adam Clemons
Principal Piedmont, High School, Piedmont, AL
"Challenges arose during the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted the ongoing implementation
of test prep due to our sudden shift to online learning. But since then, we have been able to reinvigorate our year-round implementation of test prep by providing strategic guides and addressing ongoing learning success across the school year."
Dr. Meri Kock
ACT Coordinator,
Metro Nashville Public Schools, Nashville, TN

*Unpaid testimonials. Results vary.


See what MasteryPrep can do for you. Learn more about test prep for the ACT.