“We play the regular season in our classrooms. But on ACT Test Day, in the gym that is our arena, it’s time for our students to excel in the Super Bowl,” said Barry Lee, Superintendent of Casey County Schools.
Superintendent Lee would be very proud of his students’ performances in the big game.
Casey County High School improved its ACT Composite average for its junior class by 2.5 points, jumping from 17.3 in 2020-21 to 19.8 in 2021-22, reported by the Kentucky Department of Education. Students improved 3 points in both English (15.8 to 18.8) and Science (17.2 to 20.2), and 2.2 points in both Math (17.4 to 19.6) and Reading (18.1 to 20.3).
These increases came following the first full school year of Casey County Schools implementing MasteryPrep ACT resources for its students.
“We wanted a consistent, student-friendly product that delivered questions, assessments, and prep material comparable to what students experienced on the real test, and we got that college readiness support with MasteryPrep,” said Lee. “We still have work to do, but we saw major gains across the board and considerable improvement in our first year using MasteryPrep boot camps, practice tests, curriculum, and professional development for our teachers.”
In the education system for 21 years – 19 with Casey County Schools – Lee began his tenure as Superintendent in 2021-22. In addition to implementing MasteryPrep resources at Casey County High in his first year, Lee introduced two additional test prep changes that proved successful.
The MasteryPrep ACT Boot Camps, held late winter and early spring, took place off-campus at a nearby church and business conference center.
“The idea was to organize an off-site atmosphere of teamwork and preparation where the students could take a field trip, focus on the boot camp with little distractions,” said Lee. “From the pacing lessons to process of elimination strategies and heavily-tested content review, the boot camps were a big hit.”
Then for the day of the real ACT, Lee set up a testing center in the school’s gym, different than previous years where it took place in several classrooms. “Instead of 20 proctors delivering 20 different messages, we had one central location where a consistent message would be delivered,” said Lee. “The students spaced out more, got away from their desks, and experienced an arena-style testing, big game day environment where all of them were achieving the same goals.”
Throughout the school year, Lee said the high school incorporates bell ringers and ACT prep content into its core curriculum courses. “One of our biggest accomplishments over the last year was properly training our teachers on how to effectively implement the MasteryPrep material and intersperse it throughout their lesson plans,” said Lee. “It wasn’t just ‘Here’s another product, now go use it.’ There was an organized, consistent approach to learning the context and benefits of us rolling out MasteryPrep within our high school.”
Casey County Schools, located in rural Kentucky, serves 2,200 students from preschool to high school with 650 students in grades 9-12.
“The staff are committed to supporting our students and will always focus on our students being life ready when they graduate,” said Lee. “Our goal is to ensure students graduate and are able to portray strong standards of resiliency, integrity, service, and excellence.”
Unpaid testimonial. Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. ACT score average and gain data courtesy of MasteryPrep client district and based on year over year ACT test data for the same cohort. All testimonials are real participants, and may not reflect the typical user’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.