Since 2013, all North Carolina public schools have received annual performance grades
on an A-F scale. These grades, additional school data points, district and county-level summary reports, and state-level indicators are available on the
state’s report card website.
At the high school level, 80% of each school’s grade is based on its achievement scores, while the remaining 20% is based on student growth.
The student achievement portion of school scores comprises a number of different indicators, each of which is expressed as a numerator and a demoninator:
- Math EOC: The number of scores above Achievement Level 3 on the Math 1 or Math 3 EOC (depending on grade level), divided by the total number of scores
- English II EOC: The number of scores above Achievement Level 3 on the English II EOC, divided by the total number of scores
- Biology EOC: The number of scores above Achievement Level 3 on the Biology EOC, divided by the total number of scores
- Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate: The number of students who graduate with their four-year cohort, divided by the total number of students in the cohort
- English Language Progress: The number of English language learners who demonstrate who meet benchmarks for language attainment, divided by the number of English Language learners
- ACT/WorkKeys: The number of students who meet benchmark standards for either the ACT or WorkKeys (a score of 19 or above on the ACT, or a Silver Certificate or higher on WorkKeys), divided by the total number of students
- Math Course Rigor: The number of Grade 12 students who take and pass the NC Math 3 course, divided by the total number of Grade 12 students
To calculate the overall student achievement score, the total of all numerators is divided by the total of all denominators.
The state calculates the student growth portion of each school’s score using EVAAS. This statistical tool compares students’ actual growth (as measured by assessment scores) to their predicted growth to calculate each school’s “growth composite index.” This figure, used within the overall grading framework, is also the basis for each school’s growth designation: exceeds expected growth, meets expected growth, or does not meet expected growth.
Only the math and English EOC exams are factored into growth scores at the high school level.
North Carolina converts each school’s combined achievement and growth scores to a 100-point scale to determine its overall performance score and letter grade. On this scale, A=85-100, B=70-84, C=55-69, D=40-54, and F=<40.
In addition to overall school performance grades, each school receives performance grades and growth indicators for seven state-designated student subgroups: Asian, American Indian, Black, Hispanic, two or more races, white, economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and English learners. Schools only receive subgroup scores if they have data from 30 or more students in that subgroup.