Improve Your School & District Performance
on Standardized Tests

Improve Your School & District Performance on Standardized Tests

We provide educators with standards-aligned programs, teaching tools, and support to help all students succeed on high-stakes testing in your state.

Trusted by School Districts Across the Country

Louisiana Rapides Parish School logo
Tennessee Metro Nashville Public Schools logo
Texas Grand Prairie Independent School District logo
Florida Duval County Public Schools logo
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, NC Logo
Jackson Public Schools Mississippi Logo

A System of Practice for Standardized Tests

Scalable Solutions for School Districts of All Sizes:


The only end-to-end preparation program that includes official ACT test questions and engaging curriculum to help students master what matters.

Digital SAT®

A comprehensive program that allows teachers and students to concentrate on the most heavily assessed topics and skill areas on the Digital SAT.

Digital PSAT®

Practice and preparation solutions for the Digital PSAT that boost confidence for the real assessment.


The only program specifically designed to help students earn a Silver NCRC that includes true curriculum and engaging workshops.

State-Based Assessments

Customized, End-of-Course (EOC) solutions that increase student achievement through practice testing and detailed reporting that fuels adaptive learning paths in key content areas. Solutions are offered for both single-subject and full test.

A System of Practice for Standardized Tests

Scalable Solutions for School Districts of All Sizes:


All of our material includes official ACT practice questions that fuel a true preparation program.

Digital PSAT

We offer practice and preparation solutions that boost confidence for the Digital SAT.

Digital SAT

Our data-driven solution helps students concentrate on the most heavily assessed topics and skills areas.


Our program is the only one specifically designed to help students earn a Silver NCRC.

State-Based Assessments

We provide customized, End-of-Course (EOC) programs that increase student achievement.

A System of Practice for Standardized Tests

Scalable Solutions for School Districts of All Sizes:


All of our material includes official ACT practice questions that fuel a true preparation program.


All of our material includes official ACT practice questions that fuel a true preparation program.

Digital SAT

We offer practice and preparation solutions that boost confidence for the Digital SAT.

Digital PSAT

Our data-driven solution helps students concentrate on the most heavily assessed topics and skills areas.


Our program is the only one specifically designed to help students earn a Silver NCRC.

State-Based Assessments

We provide customized, End-of-Course (EOC) programs that increase student achievement.

A System of Practice for Standardized Tests

Scalable Solutions for School Districts of All Sizes:


The only end-to-end preparation program that includes official ACT test questions and engaging curriculum to help students master what matters.

Digital SAT®

A comprehensive program that allows teachers and students to concentrate on the most heavily assessed topics and skill areas on the Digital SAT.


The only program specifically designed to help students earn a Silver NCRC that includes true curriculum and engaging workshops.

Digital PSAT®

Practice and preparation solutions for the Digital PSAT that boost confidence for the real assessment.

State-Based Assessments

Customized, End-of-Course (EOC) solutions that increase student achievement through practice testing and detailed reporting that fuels adaptive learning paths in key content areas. Solutions are offered for both single-subject and full test.

Specific Solutions For Your State

Each state has specific tests that determine college and career readiness, and in many cases, scores from these tests directly contribute to accountability metrics.

Select your state below to see how MasteryPrep can support you.

Untitled Document Washington WA Idaho ID Montana MT North Dakota ND Minnesota MN Wisconsin WI Michigan MI New York NY Vermont VT New Hampshire NH Maine ME Oregon OR Wyoming WY South Dakota SD Iowa IA Illinois IL Indiana IN Ohio OH Pennsylvania PA New Jersey NJ Connecticut CT Massachusetts MA Rhode Island RI California CA Nevada NV Utah UT Colorado CO Nebraska NE Kansas KS Missouri MO Kentucky KY West Virginia WV Virginia VA Maryland MD Delaware DE Arizona AZ New Mexico NM Texas TX Oklahoma OK Arkansas AR Tennessee TN North Carolina NC Louisiana LA Mississippi MS Alabama AL Georgia GA South Carolina SC Florida FL Alaska AK Hawaii HI

5 Proven Ways to Meet Accountability Standards

Your resource to address the most drastic decline in standardized test scores that schools have witnessed in years. With the simultaneous increase of accountability standards, this guide will help you transform accountability scores from a source of stress to a benchmark reflecting consistent student proficiency.


of participants scored at or above the concordant threshold on the ACT/SAT
Over 0 %
of Florida participants improved in at least one subject area
0 %


of MasteryPrep STAAR EOC partners improved their scores
0 %
of MasteryPrep CCMR partners improved their CCMR Outcomes Bonus Funding
0 %


the district achieved an 80.4% SPS, its highest-ever under the current formula
0 % SPS
of Rapides high schools improved their ACT scores
0 %

MasteryPrep Works

“Our teachers love the MasteryPrep materials. They are so well done, and so well put together, that any teacher, from any subject, could use their materials and teach them to students. English teachers could teach on the ACT math test, and vice versa. MasteryPrep’s materials have made teaching students how to properly take and prepare for the ACT so much easier.”
Tammy Cole
Coordinator of Student Learning, DeSoto Parish, LA
"I cannot say enough about the entire MasteryPrep team...from start to finish (in less than 2 days), they were able to pull together and make ACT Boot Camp happen for our entire school on a virtual platform...AND IT WAS AMAZING! Our students, parents & teachers were extremely impressed with the quality of instruction, knowledge of the ACT and the interaction during the camp to keep all students engaged & learning! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!"
Ashlyn Thompson
Cape Fear Christian Academy, NC
"Almost all my students have recognized the benefits of working with the MasteryPrep curriculum. I had one student tell me, 'I have never felt so prepared to take an exam in my life.' Another student specifically thanked me for teaching the English and reading MasteryPrep lessons because she went up 7 points in the reading section after working with Mastery Prep. This curriculum works. The students love it. They leave the classroom tired, which lets me know that they have worked hard!"
Karen Linton
Teacher, Ferriday High School, LA

*Unpaid testimonials. Results vary.


See what MasteryPrep can do for you.


Merging Test Prep Strategies With Everyday Classroom Teaching


Dr. Mya Asberry
Director of Instructional Services